Whether you are currently automated or just starting,
our trained consultants can analyze your short and long term goals and
recommend a computer system that will change and grow with you as your
business changes and grows. We can analyze your network for security
breaches, to keep you safe from malware. |
Software can be confusing and does not work flawlessly every time. Our
software support experts are standing by to assist you should a problem
arise... and if we don't know the answer, we know someone who does. |
As part of our complete service, we will provide all products to you at our
cost + 10% for administration and handling. This can result in dramatic
savings to you. |
We will have someone on-site within 4 hours to repair any malfunctioning
equipment... and if we can not repair it within 24 hours, we will supply a
comparable loaner for your use, until the failing equipment is repaired. |
Our staff of trained programmers can design and implement an entire web site
for you... from the very simple to the very complex. We can supply you with
internet access, web hosting and email from almost anywhere in the US. |
For the first 10 years, we specialized in consulting to Fortune 500
companies. In 1985, we recognized a greater need for our expertise
in the small company sector. Today we specialize in PC
networking for small companies and have added:
for internet access, web page design, hosting, and
email. |
SECURETIDE: for email spam & virus
filtering and "Exchange Hosting" with Shoreline control panel access. |
Even though our customers are considered small in terms of size, their
needs are as great as the large firms in their industry. Our philosophy in
the beginning, still holds true today,
"to offer our clients consulting and
support services of the highest caliber". |